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Salesforce Winter ‘25 Highlights: Marketing Cloud Growth Edition

Salesforce Winter ‘25 Highlights: Marketing Cloud Growth Edition

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The Salesforce Winter ‘25 Release Notes are out! Let’s dive into what’s new in the Winter ’25 Release for Marketing Cloud Growth Edition.

Streamlined Setup

First things first. Salesforce is working to make Marketing Cloud Growth (aka MCG) easier to manage and keep updated as additional features and functionalities are added. With the Winter ’25 release, users with the Marketing Cloud Admin permission set can now access the setup assistant for easier implementation of MCG. All Data Kits can also be updated with the click of a button on the Marketing Data tab. 

Some Data Kits do require you to then deploy the update within Data Cloud’s ingestion data streams. See this help article for guidance. 

Dynamic Content

I love seeing my favorite Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (Pardot) features show up in MKG! With this release, MCG users can now build Dynamic Content for email subject lines, email preheaders, and email components and even use Einstein Co-Pilot to help with the copy. 

While in the Email Builder, users can create content variations and determine the logic for when a variation is shown.

Event-Triggered Campaigns

A new Campaign template is coming to MCG that will enable Marketers to easily send event-based email messages to their audience. This new campaign can be used when a prospect or client performs an action, such as making a purchase. MCG can then personalize the email with event data. For our “making a purchase” example, the email could contain the order confirmation and details about said order. 

Einstein Co-Pilot

Einstein Co-Pilot continues to expand across Salesforce applications to not only deliver a consistent user experience, but also answer questions and generate content that is grounded in your unique data. Einstein Co-Pilot is generally available for MCG as part of the Winter release and can assist in generating campaigns and copy. If you have already implemented MCG and are currently using Einstein Co-Create, you will need to make some changes to switch to Co-Pilot. Steps to make the switch are coming soon. 

Brand Tone and Identity

Marketing Cloud Growth’s Brand Guidelines are being extended to include Brand Identity and Brand Tone. These brand details help Einstein Co-Pilot better generate content that matches your unique brand and allows you to quickly revise content using a different tone when needed. 

Opportunity Influence

Similar to Campaign influence, Opportunity influence will assist marketers in identifying which campaigns were impactful for opportunities. First-touch and last-touch attribution models will be available as part of the Winter release, allowing marketers to report on which campaigns are most effective during the different stages of the customer’s journey. Opportunity influence will require some backend setup and configuration for accurate reporting, so stay tuned for a more detailed blog post once this feature is available!

And more!

That is a LOT of updates, and I’m happy to see it! What is your favorite feature coming to Marketing Cloud Growth in the Winter ‘25 release? Let us know in the comments.

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  • Erin Duncan is the Account Engagement Product Director at Sercante. Erin is 8x Salesforce certified and has 12+ years of experience as a Salesforce and Account Engagement Admin. She is the leader of the Atlanta B2B Marketers User Group, the leader of the Pardashian Slack group, and a Salesforce Marketing Champion.

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