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#VoteAndPromote: Genius Pardot Feature Requests on the IdeaExchange

#VoteAndPromote: Genius Pardot Feature Requests on the IdeaExchange

min. reading

Today I joined a webinar on the Pardot Product Roadmap, and I was FLOORED by some of the amazing features that are coming down the pipeline.  

The Pardot team showed off some massive improvements to the integration with Salesforce (including unified campaigns!), account based analytics, Einstein predictive scoring incorporating Pardot data, among other advanced functionality — cue the happy dance.

Because this is still in development and will be tested through the Edge Pilot, the specifics of these changes are still hush hush. The recording and slides from the webinar will not be shared, and they requested that people refrain from screenshotting content (not going to lie, I did on a few slides — but will keep the secrets safe!)

While we wait for this tantalizing new functionality to be unveiled, there’s something else we can all do — #VoteAndPromote posts on the IdeaExchange for features we want to see.  I rounded up a few favorites below.  

For the most part, these are less sexy than what was shown on the webinar, but many of them are changes that would admins lives MUCH easier on a day-to-day basis.

Prospect resubscribe button that updates Pardot AND Salesforce Opt Out Field

There isn’t a smooth way for prospects to opt themselves back into communication.  Would love to see a way to do this so that a Pardot admin doesn’t have to get involved every time this situation comes up.

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Allow customization of notification emails

This is a biggie. One pet peeve I have is that any custom field a prospect has completed displays in notifications for form submits, automation rules matches, etc.  It can confuse users if they don’t quite get what they’re looking at.  Being able to specify what fields show up, edit subjects, or add intro text would boost adoption and minimize user questions.

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Variable tags for custom objects

It’s great that we can segment on custom object data in Pardot — but the next level of awesomeness would be the ability to pull this data into emails as variable tags.

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Community library of templates and layouts

How cool would it be if we had a spot to share beautiful email and landing page templates?  Or even buy them?  

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Conditional options for completion actions

Actually, I’d rather see this on Automation Rules, but I’ll take it on Completion Actions too.  The ability to specify multiple IF/THEN scenarios and take action accordingly would be useful in so many ways.

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Remove prospect from Engagement Studio Program if they reply to an email

A common use case for Engagement Studio programs is nurturing “top of the funnel” prospects that aren’t quite ready to hand off to sales.  But if they reply… well then it would be great to route that to a rep ASAP.

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Record the number of direct replies from a Pardot sent email

No matter how beautiful of a CTA button you create, there always seem to be prospects who just hit “reply” on an email — and sometimes these responses are missed when reporting on campaign outcomes. It would be great to have a mechanism to quantify the volume of this to incorporate in our analytics.

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Enhance Engagement Studio reporting

We need more data!  And an easier way to get at it!  The functionality included in Engagement Studio is wonderful, and we need to be able to extract and share that.

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What ideas did I miss?

Is there any functionality or product enhancements you’re dying to see? Let me know if the comments?

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  • Andrea Tarrell is the CEO & Founder of Sercante, as well as a 12X certified Salesforce MVP and Marketing Champion. Andrea caught the Salesforce bug at Dreamforce 2011 and hasn’t looked back since. She’s worked for consultancies, agencies, and client-side marketing teams over her career and is passionate about making marketing and sales teams successful with their tech stacks. Andrea lives in Atlanta with her husband Buck and her daughter, Arla. When she’s not working, she’s most likely playing with her German Shepherd Murphy, starting a new hobby that she will engage in exactly one time, or making homemade gin.

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