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What the Terminus + Pardot Integration Means for Your ABM Strategy

What the Terminus + Pardot Integration Means for Your ABM Strategy

min. reading

Whether you’re new to account based marketing or your strategy centers on ABM, you’re going to want to check out the Terminus + Pardot integration.

Terminus’ recent blog post outlines some of the new tools, which promise to help marketers drive an account-centric strategy with the benefit of shared data, improved analytics, advanced reporting, and lead-to-account mapping capabilities. 

Major benefits of the Pardot and Terminus integration

In a nutshell, here are the major benefits the integration provides: 

Bi-directional data sync

Build better segments for targeted advertising in Terminus based on Pardot data, or activate drip marketing campaigns in Pardot at precisely the right time with account engagement data from Terminus. Alert sales and customer success in real-time about important or at-risk accounts or opportunities

Improved analytics

Observe account-based engagement simultaneously with Pardot marketing activities, understand the impact of email marketing campaigns on revenue

Sales and customer success intelligence

Help outbound teams prioritize outreach to the most engaged and best-fit target accounts, and provide timely alerts about at-risk accounts coming up for renewal 

Lead-to-account matching and data hygiene

Improve Salesforce data hygiene by mapping all orphaned leads to the appropriate account, build customized marketing programs around the entire buying group within an account, uncover missing decision-makers within a target account 

Because ABM is all about putting accounts front and center across Sales and Marketing, this integration is great for marketers looking to combine account data from Terminus with prospect records in Pardot 

How Pardot admins can put the Terminus integration to work for them

If you’re already using Pardot and Terminus, this is a happy day for you! Your two tools can now talk to each other and you can start combining campaigns that span across Terminus ABM ads and Pardot marketing and nurture programs. Read on to explore some interesting use cases.  

If you’re not using Terminus, but you’re a Pardot admin with an ABM strategy, this could be a great time to expand your tech stack while keeping your ABM efforts nice and organized within Pardot, making sure you get credit for all your hard-earned marketing wins.  

10 examples of the Pardot + Terminus integration in action

Once you’re up to speed on the integration and your ABM strategy is ready to rock, here are some use cases for how you can take Terminus fields and reports and make them actionable in Pardot : 

1. Segment your data in Pardot using Terminus Account Segments and intelligence data 

Segmenting your Pardot database through dynamic lists is a key Pardot feature. With the Terminus integration, you can now create custom fields in Pardot that map to Terminus account fields. From there, you can build dynamic lists and automations based on Terminus data and how you want to segment your lists. 

Here are some examples…

Access Terminus account lists in Pardot segments:

You can also access Terminus behavioral signal in Pardot segments: 

There are LOTS of possible applications of having this data avaliable in Pardot. Additional Terminus fields available in Pardot include: 

2. Engage entire buying teams easily from within Pardot Engagement Studio

Building off of point #1, once you’ve segmented your lists using Terminus account data, you can then use those lists to fuel Engagement Studio to lead prospects down a funnel in Pardot.

Support an ABM strategy using Terminus account data to guide your sales cycle and nurture strategy, keeping the messaging and steps focused on guiding your target accounts to the next stage. 

3. Use Pardot program logic with Terminus data to drive customer-facing workflows 

Taking Pardot’s Engagement Studio to the next level, Terminus helps create complex workflows that guide prospects down a path based on various account scores gathered by Terminus. 

In this example, target renewal accounts run through different paths based on whether they’re at risk or happy. The ESP attempts to improve account relationships by creating Salesforce tasks, adding prospects to Salesforce campaigns and making the Terminus relationship status visible in Salesforce. 

4. Pardot + Terminus ABM reporting and dashboards in Salesforce 

Being able to identify an account’s level of engagement or whether they’re at risk is incredibly important when personalizing messaging and prioritizing Sales efforts. By combining Pardot engagement metrics with Terminus account data, marketers and sales teams can focus their efforts more efficiently. 

Here are some examples of Terminus dashboards that could be used to inform and alert sales based on which accounts are engaging with marketing. 

5. Build on scoring categories for target accounts 

One specific report you could build in Salesforce using Pardot and Terminus data is to combine Terminus spiking accounts with Pardot scoring category data using a joint report. This view will allow you to see what marketing content is resonating with your highest potential accounts. 

(More to come on this use case in a future blog post.)

6. Temporarily bump Pardot grade up when an account is spiking

Pardot grading is great for highlighting prospects on an account for possible escalation to the Sales Team via Tasks when they do something “interesting.”

In this example, you’ll create an Automation Rule that looks to see if an account has spiked in the last 7 days and is considered an ABM New Target Account. If it matches those criteria, then change the grading profile criteria.  

And when the Account isn’t spiking, you’ll want to put that temporary scoring bump back down. Notice: you can set the rule to identify when the prospect is no longer in the ABM New Target Account profile OR that the most recent spike has ended.

This trick allows you to use Pardot grades to keep Sales focused on accounts that are most active and highest potential in a given moment. 

7. Automations to flag prospects and keep your data clean and up to date

Moving your ABM strategy into Pardot can help you develop creative strategies and automations to keep your database clean and focused on the highest potential accounts. Based on your target account list, you can filter Pardot prospects into lists, add to campaigns, assign to queue, change prospect custom field value, apply tags, and more. 

8. Use Dynamic Content to tailor messaging for target accounts 

As you pull in Terminus field values like behavioral score and spiking accounts, you can use that data to personalize content through Pardot features like Dynamic Content. 

For example, maybe you send an email promoting a new feature, but want your top target accounts to feel a little extra love. Use Dynamic Content to serve spiking accounts a promotion or exclusive offer that the rest of the email recipients don’t see. 

9. Use data to improve marketing performance 

Take the guess work out of where to focus your efforts in Pardot by measuring engagement at the account and campaign level. By building campaign influence reports that allow you to see which marketing activities are driving pipeline and revenue, you can you use the data to: 

  • See which content is driving results
  • Allocate budget to the channels that fill your funnel
  • Work seamlessly with Pardot Programs and Email
  • Measure revenue results of every Pardot interaction not just on the records synced to Salesforce

10. Read inferred account data on Salesforce leads from within Pardot 

Terminus writes inferred account data on leads allowing sales and marketing teams to operate with total account-centricity from Sales Cloud and Pardot.  

Now, with the Pardot integration, you can sync this lead-to-account data into Pardot so even your leads can be account-centric! 

Tighten your sales and marketing alignment by running an ABM strategy through Pardot 

Many companies are adjusting their sales and marketing strategies to be more account-centric. This integration between Terminus and Pardot will make that shift easier and more effective as marketers are given the tools to support sales’ efforts to reach and engage a set of target accounts. 

What are some creative ways you’ve targeted, engaged, and measured target accounts through an ABM strategy? Let us know in the comments. 

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  • Joanna started her marketing career doing content and product marketing for tech startups. She's a marketing automation and lead gen pro who loves working with teams to build creative campaigns that achieve ambitious goals. She joined Sercante in 2019 and is 3x Salesforce certified. Joanna has a master's degree in English literature and loves writing, editing, and nerding out about novels.

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