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Announcing The Spot for Pardot Jobs

Announcing The Spot for Pardot Jobs

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We’re thrilled to announce a new platform we’ve launched for finding and posting jobs related to Pardot and Salesforce.

Supporting the Pardot community by sharing knowledge built the foundation for The Spot for Pardot in the Salesforce ecosystem. The Spot for Pardot Jobs hatched from that idea. 

We already share how-to guides, career advice, and occasional war stories with the community. So, we decided to kick it up a notch by helping marketing professionals find opportunities working with Pardot and other technology tools.

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The best place to find and post Pardot-related jobs

The Spot for Pardot Jobs is a one-stop-shop for finding marketing-related jobs working with Pardot and Salesforce. And, anyone can post job opportunities to the site for free. This makes the platform more accessible to smaller companies and startups that have limited hiring budgets.

The team at Sercante manages The Spot for Pardot Jobs. That means we’ll moderate the content to ensure listings are updated and relevant to job searchers. Our wish is for The Spot for Pardot Jobs to be the go-to platform for job seekers and companies looking for mutually beneficial relationships with sales & marketing professionals who work in Salesforce and Pardot.

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The Spot for Pardot Jobs is ready for action

You can start using The Spot for Pardot Jobs today.

The site is available now for both job seekers and job posters. We’ve added over 200 Pardot and marketing opportunities, and employer-submitted posts are already rolling in.

For Pardot Job Seekers 

To get started, go to the site and click “Find a Job” in the top right corner. You can search for jobs using keywords, location, and more. 

Hot tip: there’s lots of remote work available.

For Employers

Employers can start posting jobs to the site right now. Here’s how to post a job:

  • Click Sign Up and follow the prompts to create an account. 
  • You can log in if you’ve already created an account.
  • When you’re logged in, click the Post a Job link. Then, complete the form to post the job.

You can edit the job or remove it once you’ve filled the position. We’ll automatically delete listings after 90 days unless you take action before the time is up.

Get The Spot For Pardot Jobs Newsletter

You can stay up to date with career opportunities by signing up for our newsletter. We’ll highlight Pardot career trends, interesting job opportunities, and other information to help you move further in your career.

The Spot for Pardot Jobs Newsletter – Employer Edition

The Spot for Pardot Jobs Newsletter – Job Seeker Edition

Get Pardot Job Updates on Twitter

It’s really easy for you to keep up with the latest job opportunities that get posted to The Spot for Pardot Jobs. You can follow @spot4pardotjobs on Twitter to see job listings in your news feed.

Noteworthy job listings

We’ve added some especially interesting jobs we know you’ll want to see. Here are a few of our favorites:

Jobs at Sercante

The Sercante team is growing faster than ever. We want the best of the best talent in the ecosystem. So, if you’re a Pardot pro who’s looking for a career shakeup, then we’d love to chat.

Here are a few interesting job opportunities at Sercante:

Click here to view all opportunities available on the Sercante consulting team.

Land a Pardot job at Salesforce

We work closely with the team at Salesforce. So we know how amazing the opportunities are working on their team.

Check out these jobs available at Salesforce:

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Launching Pardot careers every day

Rising from a little one-person blog, The Spot for Pardot has grown quickly. The Spot for Pardot is the place to go for anyone who wants to learn more about Pardot and marketing. We took it a step further by creating The Spot for Pardot Jobs.

It’s a platform where all the Pardot people can go to connect with new opportunities.

Now go forth, and discover all the Pardot possibilities!

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  • Ambre Juryea-Amole is the content strategist at Sercante. In her role, she leads The Spot and delights Sercante clients with her content strategy, copywriting, and editorial expertise. She got her start as a copywriter and editor for enterprise-level companies while moonlighting as a journalist. Then she went full-force marketer for a few years. And now she’s combined both of her passions as a content marketer at Sercante. When Ambre’s not working, you’ll find her jamming out to ska, metal, punk, and classic rock with her husband and their two kiddos.

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