Email Campaign Efficiency: Tips for Saving Time and Boosting Results

Email Campaign Efficiency: Tips for Saving Time and Boosting Results

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It’s time to launch another email campaign and the anxiety sets in. You have a variety of people on different teams who want their eyes (and opinions) on your emails before you can launch them. This back and forth can be overwhelming and gets buried in 50+ long email threads

Stop the madness! Let’s talk about how to organize the chaos — making your life easier when it’s time to launch an email campaign. Here are a few email campaign tips.

Use an Email Brief

It’s a blank sheet of paper for most clients and they get overwhelmed with where and how to start. Sometimes you need to partner with someone who has a plan you can easily take, customize it to your needs, and boom! You have a starting place now. 

Let’s talk about what exactly you should include in an email brief.

What to include in the email brief

Campaign Overview and Objective 

  • Start with a brief description of the campaign’s purpose and main objective
  • Use it as an opportunity to define its purpose with absolute clarity and give helpful background to your team who will be viewing the brief
  • Clearly state what you want to achieve, such as increasing sales, promoting a new product, driving traffic to a website, or building brand awareness

Metrics and Reporting

  • Clearly define the key performance indicators (KPIs) you’ll use to measure the success of the campaign
  • Stick to goals that translate into clear, measurable objectives
  • Link to the report you plan to use once the campaign is launched

Email Content and Format Crafted for the Target Audience

  • Specify the type of content you want to include in the email, such as text, images, videos, or interactive elements
  • Indicate any personalization elements or segmentation strategies you want to implement to make the email more relevant and engaging to the recipients

Email Schedule

  • Provide the proposed sending date and time for the email

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Internal Timeline 

  • A clear timeline can let team members get involved and stay moving quickly. 
  • Include internal deadlines for teams to owe you items or are giving you approval

Identify and Fix Recurring Pain Points

Continuous edits to email HTML and copy is a common pain point among clients. There are tools like Stensul that can make your life easier because it keeps all the edits out of email threads. 

It is essential to have integrations and features like these to have the capacity to scale operations and to accommodate increases in volume while meeting requester’s timing requirements, all without the need to hire additional staff or compromise on quality. 

Check out this webinar with Sercante & Stensul together where they share tips for integrating an email creation platform into your strategy to ease common pain points.

Create a plan, look for ways to add efficiency, and repeat

Ok so let’s recap!

The first thing you’re going to do is draft and use a brief. If you’re stuck, start with the email brief items listed in this post.

Then you’re going to document your process and iterate on it! 

The goal is to make your campaign launch life easier each time. When you identify a pain point, test out a solution for it and see if the process gets even better.

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  • Celine Newsome is a 2x Salesforce certified CRM & Marketing Automation Strategist at Sercante. With 8 years of marketing automation experience, she has a passion for strategy, reporting and navigating complex integration challenges. When she's not working she enjoys playing tennis, snuggling up with her new baby boy + two x-large lap dogs, and planning her next vacation. Big travel fan!

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