I’m working on a secret project. It involves crayons. Maybe some colored pencils. Very illicit stuff.
Okay fine, I’ll just tell you what it is.
It’s a coloring book. Called “Why Marketing Automation Admins Drink.”
Why a coloring book? Good question…
My entire career has been focused on digital marketing and marketing automation — client side, for agencies, and for Salesforce consultants. I now own a Pardot consulting business. I love what I do and wouldn’t change it for the world.
But man, sometimes it’s hard to be a marketing automation pro.
We have to carry the torch for change and relentlessly advocate for a new way forward in our organizations. Technology advancements move a mile a minute. Our jobs look easy to people who know nothing about it.
And also, coloring is an excellent coping mechanism when you’re on your 8th straight conference call of the day.
A sneak peek…
I made this with the help of a crazy talented illustrator and some insightful and hilarious Pardashians (Sara, Jacqueline, and Lara, to name a few). It was fun playfully capturing some of the moments that make our jobs… challenging.
Here’s one sketch that didn’t make the final print edition cut, because Pardot FINALLY redirected their help & training links (thank you, Pargods!):

My book “Why Marketing Automation Admins Drink.” is now available on Amazon!